Crypto / Forex Broker Reviews

RXK Capital Review – Important Questions to Ask about the Broker

RXK Capital Review

RXK Capital logoOne of the brokerage firms that are offering their services in the financial markets is RXK Capital and it has managed to develop a positive reputation very quickly.

Nevertheless, you cannot just choose it based on reputation alone. This RXK Capital review can help you dig deep into its services and offerings.

Signing up with a brokerage is a necessary step that you have to take in order to begin your trading journey in any of the financial markets. It doesn’t matter whether you want to trade in one market, or multiple ones simultaneously, having a brokerage account is a must.

Much like the traditional form of trading, online brokers are your springboard into the financial markets because they provide all the ingredients for you to get cooking. However, you have to remember that the quality of the ingredients also matters because it can impact the final result.

This means that choosing a broker is not a decision that should be made without putting in time and effort. If you have already searched on Google for one, then you are probably aware that the markets are positively overflowing with brokers.

The sheer number can leave you dumbfounded because navigating through all of them to find one broker for trading seems like an impossible task. If you check out each of the options, it will take you a long time and you will still never be done because new ones are introduced routinely.

As the popularity of online trading escalates, so do the number of brokerage firms operating in the financial markets. These markets have always been very lucrative and have drawn a great deal of attention, but the popularity has soared in recent years.

This is partly because of the hype surrounding cryptocurrencies that have emerged as a solid trading instrument, as well as the global coronavirus pandemic that has led to financial problems for people and pushed them into trying their luck in the trading space.

Of course, most people would prefer to sign up with experienced and old brokers because they have been around for some time and can be trusted. The internet is not considered safe and the same can be said for online trading because it is easy to find news about scam and fraudulent brokers.

Many people have become victims of these cybercriminals plaguing the market and this has made people extra cautious. Thus, it seems safer to opt for known companies because they couldn’t have survived in the market if they were shady in some way.

However, this doesn’t mean that all new brokers are unprofessional or not worth your time. As a matter of fact, some of them have been doing quite well and are even managing to surpass the popularity of older platforms. One such example is none other than RXK Capital, which may not have been around for long, but its reputation indicates that it is making an impression.

The best part about this company is that it is catering to the trading needs of people in different parts of the world. It has its offices located in Mauritius and its CFD (Contract for Difference) trading services have gotten a lot of attention.

While all of this is undoubtedly appealing, you should note that most of the brokers in the market will be touting their services and you have to take it all with a grain of salt. It is understood that every company will advertise its services and you have to determine how accurate they are.

This requires some deep digging on your part and the best way to do this is by asking some important questions. The same is applicable in the case of RXK Capital as well. You would want to sign up with them straight away when you come across their offerings, but looking into them can save you from making the wrong decision.

So, what are the questions you should ask about RXK Capital? You can check out the important ones in this RXK Capital review below:

RXK Capital homepageIs RXK Capital a secure broker?

Amongst the various questions that you have to ask about a broker, the most important one is about their security. Why is it most important? This is due to the fact that online trading doesn’t just bring with it the risks that are inherent in trading.

You also have to deal with cybersecurity risks because the number of cyberattacks and breaches has increased significantly in the last few years. With more and more money pouring into the financial markets, it is not surprising that they have become a hot target of cybercriminals and they are looking to exploit people whenever and however they can.

When you decide to trade online, you have to sign up with a broker, as mentioned above, which means you will be sharing a great deal of your personal and sensitive information with them. You will also have to deposit your funds with them in order to trade and this means that you will be exposed to cyberattacks.

Therefore, you need to know if the brokerage you are considering has taken any steps to see to your security. You don’t want to be left vulnerable and constantly worrying about it can also distract you from trading.

Checking the security measures and policies of RXK Capital can help you determine if you can trust this broker in the long term. A quick study will show you that they have done a very thorough job in this regard because they understand the extent of the risk. They have taken all steps necessary for mitigating the risks as much as possible, allowing their clients to trade with complete peace of mind.

Firstly, you will be pleased with the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption that has been used here, which encrypts website traffic, along with all data that the broker accumulates throughout the trading process.

It can prevent any third-parties from gaining access to your confidential and personal data and keep you safe from any disastrous consequences. The safety of your funds is ensured by RXK Capital through the adoption of account segregation rules.

These dictate that all customer funds are kept separate from the company’s finances in separate accounts. They are only used for the clients’ trading activities and not to pay off any of the broker’s obligations.

This can keep the risk of discrepancies and misappropriation at bay. Moreover, as these accounts are maintained by reputable financial institutions, the risk of threat is also minimized. Even if RXK Capital was to file for bankruptcy, your funds will remain safe and would be returned to you.

The brokerage is also compliant with the well-known Anti-Money Laundering and Know-Your-Customer policies, which are popularly known as AML and KYC. These are implemented for adding more security to the platform as whole.

These policies require traders to submit documents that can be used as proof of their identity and their residency. It helps ensure that no cybercriminals can make an account on RXK Capital because they will not provide any such documents. This can minimize the risk of identity theft, financial fraud and money laundering as well.

The documents that have to be submitted include any kind of government-issued ID, such as a passport, national ID card, or your driver’s license. It should clearly show your name, date of birth and photograph. This can help in confirming your identity.

Where residency is concerned, you have to provide a bank statement, a utility bill, such as land-line phone, water, gas or electricity, or a tax bill. Any of these documents would do, as long as they are of the last six months, and show your name and address.

Your trading account on RXK Capital will only be verified after you have provided these documents, so you have these ready if you don’t want to face any delays in trading.

RXK Capital security

Are there are prerequisites to sign up with RXK Capital?

Before you move forward and look at the offerings at RXK Capital to see if they are suitable for you, it is a good idea to check if they have any conditions or prerequisites that you are required to meet. In case they have any and you cannot meet them, then there wouldn’t be any point in taking things forward and looking at anything else.

There are brokers that offer their services to a particular type of traders, such as professionals, or beginners. In case you don’t fall in this category, you can look elsewhere. Apart from that, you should also be aware of the sign up procedure itself to see how long it will take you to complete.

Having to wait or spend a lot of time in registering can be quite frustrating, especially when you know that you are missing out on good opportunities. You will discover that there are no such conditions or prerequisites to be met when you are going for RXK Capital and they are offering their services to all types of traders, so this is another thing you don’t need to worry about.

As far as their registration process is concerned, they don’t make you go through a complex process that takes up a lot of your time. In fact, they have gone to great lengths to keep it simple and quick for everyone.

All you have to do for registering with RXK Capital is to visit their website and click on the Open Free Account option you will find. It is clearly visible and you will not have any difficulty in finding it.

You are presented with account options to choose and once you have made a selection based on your experience and preference, you will be taken to a registration form. This is a very basic form that doesn’t ask for a lot of information. It will barely take you five minutes to fill it out.

You have to enter your first name, last name, your location, a phone number and then share your email address and password. Then you are asked to agree to the Terms & Condition that RXK Capital has outlined on its website.

You can go through them to know what you are signing up for and then confirm your age, which should be 18 or above. Once you have done this, you will be registered on the platform and can submit the verification documents needed, as per AML and KYC rules. Your account will be ready for trading after this step.

What instruments does RXK Capital offer?

It is finally time for you to look at the trading instruments that you will be able to trade if you opt for RXK Capital as your broker. This question is not to be taken lightly, or even skipped, because these instruments directly determine what profits you make. If they cannot provide you the kind of profits you are after, you should look for a different company that can offer you the right instruments.

After all, there are hundreds of thousands of these that can be found in numerous financial markets and the profitability and volatility of every single one of them is unique.

You have to take into account your expectations, capital as well as your risk tolerance before you choose the instruments you want to trade and this will also affect the broker you sign up with at the end of the day.

If they don’t offer the markets you want to trade in, why bother signing up at all? In addition, you need to do your digging because many companies often make big claims, but they may not have all the instruments they promised. You don’t want to be disappointed later on and have to switch platforms.

A look at the asset offerings available at RXK Capital shows that they are providing their clients with access to more than 3,000 financial markets, which is nothing short of extraordinary. You will not find many brokers that are offering this kind of variety and this certainly makes them an appealing option.

When you have such a hefty number of instruments at your disposal, not only will you be able to find an option that’s in accordance with your goals, budget and risk appetite, but will also have the ability to diversify.

Yes, this is of the utmost importance because diversification can protect you from trading risks. You will be able to spread your investment across different markets and this will help you in setting off your losses in one market against profits in another. It is easy to use this strategy with RXK Capital due to the wide array of instruments to choose from.

They have added the low-risk commodities market that comprises of instruments with low volatility. There are different kinds of commodities you can explore, such as hard commodities including precious metals like gold, silver, platinum and palladium, soft commodities including agricultural items like wheat, coffee, corn, sugar and rice and energy commodities like crude oil and natural gas.

You can also check out the stock market via RXK Capital and make your mark in this popular space. There are shares of several notable companies to be traded and these include Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Spotify, Amazon, eBay, Tesla, Netflix, McDonalds, Nokia and Bumble.

The foreign currency market is also accessible here and there are a ton of currency pairs that can be quite profitable. You can find major and minor pairs alike and explore as many as you want. Some prominent ones include EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, EUR/GBP and AUD/NZD.

One of the biggest additions that have been made by RXK Capital to its instruments is that of cryptocurrencies. These digital assets have become quite the rage nowadays and people are clamoring to invest in this market to enjoy a piece of the profits they are offerings. You can choose from some of the most popular ones, including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Litecoin, Monero and Ethereum.

RXK Capital assets

What kind of trading platform is available at RXK Capital?

If you have found the instruments you want to trade at RXK Capital, then it is time for you to move onto the next most important factor; the trading platform. What is this? This is the software, primarily developed for opening the doors to the financial market. You monitor the market movements, execute your trades, see the results reflected in real-time and make use of the trading tools it offers.

If there is no platform available, you simply cannot trade, so it is not something that can be ignored. Likewise, you cannot accept just any platform can its speed, performance and features will affect your own performance and experience.

These are areas you cannot compromise on at all because your bottom line will be affected. It is at the discretion of brokers to decide the kind of trading platform that will be made available to their clients. You shouldn’t sign up anywhere without knowing about the capabilities of the platform in order to avoid a disappointing experience.

Brokerages have the option of providing an existing trading platform from the market, or can develop their own. Where RXK Capital is concerned, it has chosen to go with the latter route and created its own web trading platform for its clients.

The most prominent feature of this trading platform is that it is AI-powered, which means you get to enjoy state-of-the-art technology that brings personalized trading insight and ultra-fast trade execution. It allows you to discover a completely new world of trading with price alerts as well as real-time and live upgrades of more than 1,200 financial markets.

Moreover, some of the most innovative trading tools have also been integrated with the platform by RXK Capital to help its clients in making the most of their trading. You will be able to take advantage of a variety of charts, trading and tech indicators as well as analysis tools.

Some risk management tools have also been added and you can also find a hedging mode. In addition, the user-interface has been kept simple and intuitive by RXK Capital to allow traders from all backgrounds to use the platform without dealing with any complications.

It also offers a lot of flexibility because the platform can be used on any device supporting a web browser. Plus, there are no worries of installation and downloading and neither do you have to update it because it will be done by the broker itself.

Does RXK Capital offer any customer support?

Last, but definitely not the least, you have to ascertain if RXK Capital offers you any kind of customer support. This is another element that can affect your experience, so it is not something to be taken in stride.

If you get stuck with a problem, you don’t want to have to wait for a solution because the financial markets move quickly and even a bit of delay can lead to massive losses. Not every broker is attentive in this area, due to which you need to ask this question.

Customer support at RXK Capital is available 24/5 for its clientele and through a number of channels. They have given an email address and a phone number that can be used for contacting their team whenever you have a problem.

They are very prompt and helpful and you will get a solution quickly. You can also fill out the online contact form given on the website for scheduling a contact at a convenient time. There is also an FAQ section on their website where answers to common questions have been provided as well.

The Verdict

The answers make it absolutely clear that RXK Capital is an excellent broker for making your mark in the financial markets and can help you make the profits you want.

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